Skin ayurveda n more is an online consultation clinic
How it works
- Book either audio or video consultation.
- Consultation will be of 30 minutes duration.
- During consultation
- We will discuss your skin, hair, mind and body concerns.
- Detailed medical history will be taken.
- A daily routine will be discussed.
- If you wish you can share your skin or hair pics.
- After consultation, an email will be sent
– Prescribing medicines
– Recommending diet habits
– Dincharya habits to follow
– Few yogasanas
– DIY health care routines.
- Prescribed medications / supplements can be easily purchased online.
- A follow up can be done in 15 days to 1 month , if required.
- You are done !! Invest 30 minutes for consultation and get all your health, skin and hair issues sorted !