When each hair strand becomes thin and whole volume of the hair looks thinner is known as hair thinning. There may not be intense hair fall but still the volume decreases. The size of the ponytail appears smaller.
Hair thinning occurs due to shrinking of hair follicle, smaller the follicle, thinner the hair. This happens when there is vaata dosha imbalance, making the follicles shrink.
1) Low intake of nutritional diet.
2) Excessive washing of hair.
3) Vigorous combing of hair.
4) Not oiling the hair.
5) Lack of rest.
Above are few reasons for vaata imbalance. As follicles become constricted, less oil (secreted from the sebaceous gland) reaches the hair tip causing dryness. Which results in hair breakage and hair fall. In addition to this if pitta dosha also gets imbalanced, hair thinning increases further. Reasons for pitta imbalance are
1) Having junk food all the time.
2) Chemical treatments.
3) Over exposure to the sun.
Lifestyle changes with Ayurvedic medication and treatments is the best way to take care of hair thinning.
Secondary causes of hair thinning
1) Hormonal imbalance (ras dushti)
2) Underlying disease.